Public Information

Public information is open, unless otherwise prescribed by the law, or except for information that is deemed as state, commercial, or personal secret in the prescribed manner.

In order to obtain public information, a person shall submit a written application. Public information may be requested also in an electronic form via website of the School.

A person can choose the form of the receipt of public information (a soft copy, printed out copy or an electronic form) and also get acquainted with the information in its original form.

Public information shall be released immediately, or in cases prescribed by the law not later than within 10 days.

Persons responsible for ensuring access to public information and proactive publication of information:

Davit Jaianii - Head of Administration
Tel: (+995 32) 2 38 11 61

Veriko Zatiashvili - Head of Department of Legal Affairs  and Organizational Support  
Tel: (+995 32) 2 38 11 61

The General Administrative Code. Chapter 3 - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION

Law of Georgia on Fees for Copying Public Information

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This program was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of The High School of Justice and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or implementing partner.